Erin Smith - Lifestyle Portrait & Commercial Photographer Brisbane

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Celebrating Mason’s 1st Birthday - Whites Hill Reserve Family Photo Session

I absolutely adore this family. I’ve been lucky enough to see them grow, from Kylie and Kris’ tiny wedding in 2019 (goals) to their newborn photos when Mason just arrived - which I just realised I never blogged! Is it too late?! - to these shots in October when he turned the big ONE year old!

We spent an afternoon at the stunning Whites Hill Reserve capturing some family photos, spotting kookaburras and having some cuddles. Mason even had a go at my camera - scroll down to the bottom to see him wearing my lens hood as a hat!

Huge thanks to Kylie for sending me through these photos - I don’t often get to see behind the scenes shots from my shoots, and these are so so special!!